Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WTF??! And my NEW Obsession

Whoa. I last posted in June. That's insane.


Of course, my entire summer has just been that.

A 10,000 km round trip road trip, weddings, revisions, edits, fresh writing and WHOA ...yeah the summer has escaped me.

I also discovered a new obsession over the summer.

Downton Abbey.

I curse my best friend for having Apple TV and hooking me when I visited her.

Now as I wait for Season 3 to unfold I've been haunting Fan Fiction and too scared to write my own. LOL!

I think I like Downton Abbey because it reminds me of my 2011 release BENTLEY GAL which is set in England in the 1920's with remnants of the Great War haunting the characters still.

So here's one of my favourite excerpts:

The lanterns lit the garden and strains of music drifted from the marquee while couples danced in the moonlight. The air was thick, the heat cloying as George walked along the edge of the makeshift dance floor. He watched as men continuously blotted their faces with monogrammed hankies. George ignored the batting of eyelashes and twitters behind flapping fans as he passed a group of eligible ladies.

Instead, he remained totally focused on Davina Wentworth, who seemed to be avoiding him.
When he first laid eyes on her, George had been overcome with an overwhelming sense of having seen her before. He felt he knew her. Those emerald eyes were so familiar, as if they had studied him already.

Of course, it was ridiculous. He had never met Davina before in his life. But Heatherton had one thing right, she was a beautiful woman—tall, thin and graceful, with ruby-red lips and bobbed, golden-blonde hair rippling in perfect waves.

One of the most delightful creatures he had ever laid eyes on. He sipped his glass of champagne, watching while she danced with her fiancé, Sinjun. They looked good together, but there was an air of awkwardness between them. Though George seriously doubted Sinjun was aware of it. She looked bored, almost anxious—whereas Sinjun was obviously enraptured.

He made a living reading people and from his short time observing Davina, he knew she didn’t love her fiancé—at least not in a romantic sense.

Why was she marrying him?

Of course, it was foolish question to ponder. The answer was obvious.


Yet her sister Dorothea had married for love, eloping with Bertie Brooks before he went to fight in France. It had, apparently, caused quite a scandal.

“Such a shame, such a waste.”

George cringed inwardly when Rufus appeared at his side. “Heatherton.”

“What I wouldn’t give to be in Sinjun’s shoes right now. Only I wouldn’t be patient with the ice queen.”

George nodded curtly to Heatherton and walked away. The dance ended and Sinjun led Davina off the dance floor.

Her eyes flew open in surprise when he stopped in front of them, bowing. “Sinjun, I was hoping to have a dance with your enchanting fiancée, if you don’t mind?”

Sinjun beamed. “Of course not. Darling?”

Davina’s painted red lips opened, and it seemed as if she was trying to think of an excuse to get out of it, but couldn’t.

“Yes…of course.”

Sinjun nodded. George took Davina’s hand, leading her onto the dance floor. Her hand shook slightly when he spun around, pulling her tight against him. Her wrist rested lightly on his shoulder. He trailed his hand down her back. Under his fingertips, small goose bumps rose on the surface of her bare flesh. Her skin was soft. His blood heated, knowing he was having some kind of effect on her, just as much as she was having on him.

“Where are you summering, Mr. Dyson?”

“Just George, Miss Wentworth.”

A blush tinged her cheek. “I really don’t know you well enough to address you with such familiarity.”
He chuckled. “Oh, pshaw, everyone is informal around here. What do they call you bright, young people…bohemians?”

“I can assure you, I am not a bohemian.”

“Just call me George.”

“Very well, and I suppose since Sinjun is so fond of you, then you can address me as Davina.”

“Oh, I aim to, darling.”

“Davina, I’ll accept. Darling, I won’t.”

Good, she has some spunk after all.

Have you seen Downton Abbey? Are you a fan? If so whose your favourite couple? Mine is Edith & Anthony Strallan, but then I've always been partial to underdogs and emotional "retards" as the actor portraying him put it.

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