The grand prize is awesome! BUT I thought I'd chip in and give away a $20 Amazon Gift Card as well for all those who hop along to my blog. WOOT!
The contest ends August 21.
Just enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway All you have to do is tell me how you spent your summer and to earn more entries you can Tweet my little prize on my blog. And now about the main hop! Enter that sucka here: a Rafflecopter giveaway And of course, visit all the awesome people who are in the hop:
I spent my summer having fun with my fiance' and my ten-year-old son. We hit golf balls in the backyard, did some target practice with handguns and bb guns, went to yard sales, and laughed at silly youtube videos together!
Read and lounged on the beach. : )
Although, it didn`t last as long as I would have preferred. : /
(living in Ohio is a huge disappointment. Lol)
Thank you for the Giveaway !
Kimberly, sounds like a great summer! :) Thanks for entering.
Sierra, I understand your disappoint. I'm just across Lake Erie in SW Ontario and it's been a weird, weird summer.
Thanks for entering!
I read books, worked out, and traveled a bit with my family.
jess820 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great summer, Jessi! :)
Thanks for entering.
I did absolutely nothing exciting. So sad. I ran kids all over to whatever camps I thought were excellent for them - it seemed like a good idea at the time, until I realize how much running around I signed myself up for. :D I did read lots o' books though. :) Thanks!
heather1974 at gmail dot com
Heather, sounds like my summer. Running kids everywhere, but no reading for me. *sob*
Thanks for entering.
I tried to keep my kids as busy as possible without going insane. We did movies and the local waterpark, BBQs and just relaxed. Now school has started, so I can enjoy the rest of the summer in peace.
esined615 at yahoo dot com
I tried to spend as much time outside as possible soaking up the nice weather
A cruise with my wife
Esined615, you're lucky. Our school hasn't started yet. It doesn't start until September 6th.
Shannon, yes Vitamin D is very important before winter comes! :)
Beppe, a cruise sounds heavenly! I love cruising.
Thanks for entering everyone! :)
There were a lot of family obligations and things like jury duty, but I did have fun going to a San Jose Sharks alumni charity game!
That does sound like fun!
Thanks for entering.
my summer stay at home mom to my 5 month old:)
Thanks for the giveaway and being a part of the blog hop!
Thank You for the Giveaway ! : )
Didn't do much other than had a mini vacation to visit some friends in Maryland.
Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman
My summer consisted of mostly work and books this year :)
My summer mostly consisted of working and reading :)
We went to the zoo, the pool and went to visit family.
stayed home with my baby girl!
Pretty quiet summer, gardening, reading, enjoying time outside.
skpetal at hotmail dot com
I didn't really get to do anything this summer. Just work, work, work. Good news is that I just gave notice and will be going part time in September.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway :D
Thanks for the awesome giveaway :D
So far I went to NY, found a place to live, and I'm in the process of moving there. Busy, busy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
just hanging around the house doing not much of anything...
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
There's no summer break in my country, so this summer I still go to work. Nothing fancy just me finding new excuse to drink Icy cold water (preferably sweet-ice tea) ;p
shinigami_light @ ymail. com
Thanks for entering everyone! :)
Nothing exciting, just reading. Thanks for the giveaway!
I saw five of the best summer movies in one summer
i did noting fun this summer, stayed home.
We went to the beach for 2 week over the summer. It was fun.
enjoy the sun!!!
Had a lovely vacation with my husband visiting Florida!
I had a summer course and was just busy with other stuff :)
I went to Rome and had a wonderful time :)
Mostly stayed at home (work at home!) with the occasional out-of-town trip.
Worked and read. Thanks for the giveaway.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Been reading some good books and cleaning house.
Thanks for the hop and giveaway.
I've been working for the first half of it, and now I'm on vacation, so I'm relaxing, reading and doing other stuff:)
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Go to the beach and have fun with my cousins.
We traveled a lot this summer: Wolf Lodge in Ohio, Niagara Falls, Maine, Boston, NYC, Wisconsin and St. Louis!
I spent my summer working.
Read great books snuggled up at home.Thanks for sharing the hop and the giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com
I spent my summer with my two youngest boys going to hockey and soccer camps. Running the roads. We also watched some awesome movies.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
I read many books and spent some fun romantic evenings with my husband and our Lhasa Apso :) Thank you for the hop and giveaway! kamclauc AT gmail DOT com
I went to the beach! So sad vacation is over, as I really enjoyed all that reading.
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